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Project Management Methodologies

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by barkclusmisoft1986 2020. 3. 4. 11:35



Projects can be brought to a successful end in various ways. But the best and most popular project management methodologies, methods, and frameworks are always changing. New concepts appear all the time.

An entire string of methods, tools, and techniques lies behind all successful projects. In fact, as a project management practitioner, you’ll probably get to use more than just one of these during your life.However, project management methodologies, methods, and frameworks are not just for. The entire project team must understand their usage, purpose, and basic terms. This will ensure that the whole process will go smoothly regardless of your choice. Remember that no project or team is the same. A methodology or framework that worked for someone else might not be the right one for you.

That’s why it’s best to test how you can use them for your own projects.We created this extensive guide for beginners to help you pick the project management methodologies, methods, and frameworks that will fit all your needs according to your industry and project objectives. In the last part of the article we mentioned some project management methods, methodologies, frameworks, guides, and other approaches that are sometimes debated in a project management context but are incorrectly labeled as project management methodologies. We also reached out to a couple of project management experts to offer you a practitioner’s opinion on them.We’ve divided the article into three distinct sections. You can click on each one to skip directly to it:.DefinitionsThe difference between methodologies, frameworks, and methods has always been a highly-debated subject, even in fields like Research and Architecture. To help you understand these terms, let’s first have a look at the following definitions: MethodThe defines a method as “a procedure or process for attaining an object: such as a systematic procedure, technique, or mode of inquiry employed by or proper to a particular discipline or a systematic plan followed in presenting material for instruction”.In other words, a method refers to a single action, tool, technique, process, or way of doing something.

Types Of Project Management Methodologies

MethodologyLooking again at the for consistency, a methodology is “a body of methods, rules, and postulates employed by a discipline; a particular procedure or set of procedures”.Essentially, a methodology is a collection of methods, practices, processes, techniques, procedures, and rules. In project management, methodologies are specific, strict, and usually contain a series of steps and activities for each phase of the project’s life cycle.

They’re defined approaches that show us exactly what steps to take next, the motivation behind each step, and how a project stage should be performed. FrameworkAccording to the, a framework is “a body of methods, rules, and postulates employed by a discipline: a particular procedure or set of procedures” or “the analysis of the principles or procedures of inquiry in a particular field”.Similarly, the defines a framework as being a “broad overview, outline, or skeleton of interlinked items which supports a particular approach to a specific objective, and serves as a guide that can be modified as required by adding or deleting items”.In the case of project management, a framework is an overview of how its guidelines should be implemented. While methodologies offer strict principles and practices for completing a project, frameworks are more flexible because they can adapt to changing situations or to a company’s own needs, leaving room for the person in charge to find the best way of completing a project. You can also bring new existing methods or practices to the framework you’re working with.Project Management Methods, Methodologies, and Frameworks PRINCE2 (PRojects IN Controlled Environments)PRINCE2 is a project management method that enforces the need to split project accountability between a board and a project manager.

While the board’s responsibility is to bring in the required resources and focus on business justification, the project manager handles all tasks and manages the team on a daily basis.PRINCE2 offers better control over your resources, increased risk management, defined team roles and responsibilities, an emphasis on the end user and the final product, a consistent approach to review cycles, organized plans, and controllable project management phases. This project management method contains all the needed tools, practices, and procedures that will favorably take a project from start to finish.Best for: Construction and architecture, marketing, but works for other industries too.Tools to use:,Resources:Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM)The Critical Chain Project Management method focuses on a project’s timing, reducing duration estimates, calculating buffers, notifying activity completion, measuring progress, and setting priorities. Any project team that uses CCPM starts off by creating an initial project schedule. Then, based on resource availability, they establish the task dependencies and activities that must be completed so that the rest of the project can be finished successfully without any delay. This is the “Critical Chain”. It’s the longest path until the project’s end after you’ve done resource leveling. All of the tasks that are part of it require special resource reserves and backup plans to ensure that nothing will postpone them.

Approach And Methodology For The Project

The schedule made using this method allows free time slots (known as project buffers) to be placed between these important (critical) tasks so that deadlines are met effectively.“CCPM encompasses much good practice but the seminal development concerns managing variability using aggregated buffers and the use of a management signalling tool (buffer management). This project management development is a natural extension to flow based systems management developments in manufacturing such as Kanban and Drum-Buffer-Rope.”, remarks, the author of.Best for: Manufacturing, construction.Tools to use:,Resources:– Critical Chain Project ManagementCritical Path Method (CPM)A Web Design project in: activities of the Critical PathThe Critical Path Method can be used to establish the priority of a project’s activities, reassign team roles, evaluate risks, and distribute resources accordingly. This method helps teams identify milestones, task dependencies, and deadlines with ease. To begin with, create a model of the project and add four elements:. A list of the tasks that need to be completed. The duration of each task.

The dependencies between activities. The endpoint of a taskA Critical Path refers to a sequence of critical activities (dependent or floating) in a project that determines the longest succession of tasks that have to be completed on time in order for the project to meet the deadline. Critical activities aren’t always the most important, difficult, or costly ones in a project. A task is considered “critical” if, when delayed, it influences the project’s completion time.The system will automatically calculate and indicate which activities are “critical” and which aren’t based on their duration, and how this changes over time. The Critical Path Method is based on the notion that work on a new task can’t start unless you’ve finished your previous task duties. In this way, CPM supports the team to complete work faster, distribute resources correctly and evenly, and spot bottlenecks to avoid any further problems in time.Best for: Manufacturing, science, construction and architecture, engineering, but can be adapted to other industries as well.Tools to use:,Resources:Adaptive Project Framework (APF)The Adaptive Project Framework (APF) borrows several elements and processes from other project management methodologies, methods, and frameworks. You can use these for your own projects in a personalized way.

What distinguishes APF is the way in which you create a project. A decision is first taken to pick the most suitable existing approach and adapt it to your own project.Projects are then divided into smaller task groups and handled by different teams. The latter are in charge of evaluating the outcomes of each project group and identifying possible ways to improve performance. The client is also involved in the project development process to ensure that they are fully aware of the changes that go into it.No project is the same. This is why this framework makes it easier for you to adapt a project to an approach and balance it against your own objectives, identified risks, and changing client demands.Best for: Information technology, environmental protection.Tools to use:Resources:Extreme Project Management (XPM)“Importantly, eXtreme Project Management is not a methodology.

Rather, it is a flexible project management framework and set of leadership practices for delivering value in the face of volatility.” says, author of.Work through XPM is done at a fast pace and with several twists and turns. Extreme Project Management is required by projects with unpredictable development or that face considerably more changes than traditional projects do. Also states that “It is applied in complex project environments when:.

Failure is not an option. Speed, innovation and profitability count. Quality of life is important.”In XPM, plans are no longer reliable.

Situations can change every second. Project team members have the freedom to bring their own touch to a project or task for which they hold complete accountability. A radical shift in the way your team thinks and regards a project will happen.Chaotic client needs and tasks, spontaneity, uncertainty, and less control over projects are now a normal daily occurrence they will have to adapt to. That’s because at the base of XPM lies the belief that work on more difficult projects can only be done through trial and error.

Thus, any unpredicted mistake or bug will be fixed on the go.Best for: Software development.Resources:PRiSM (Projects integrating Sustainable Methods)A project management methodology that considers all environmental factors as well as human rights, work values, and corruption preventionHow does green project management sound to you? If you’re looking for a sustainable way to manage your projects, try PRiSM.This project management methodology was built around environmental factors and how they can influence the development of the project management process. It helps project teams eliminate pollution or waste and save energy. Since PRiSM also deals with human rights, labor values, and corruption prevention, it’s so much more than just an approach to the way in which you handle nature.Best for: Construction, architecture, landscape, and any other work that can impact the environment.Resources:Benefits Realization Management (BRM)Benefits Realization Management is a framework which ensures stakeholders that a project has achieved the desired benefits. Projects are finished when all benefits have been met.“Robust benefits management is a critical activity in any program. Many programs deliver great capability but fail to realize benefits due to insufficient or no arrangements being made to ensure that benefits are realized.

Benefits Realization Management refers to the practices, tools, and mindset that focus on ensuring business initiatives deliver expected business benefits. It is a discipline that aims to make sure that desired business change or policy outcomes have been clearly defined, are measurable, and provide a compelling case for investment.

Ultimately, it ensures that change or policy outcomes are actually achieved.” says, Author of.BRM imposes the need to find all benefits at the beginning of a project and make sure that all tasks are conducted and evaluated to help a business reach them. A Business Change Manager helps the Benefits Owner with this.